For more activities like these, visit:

Alien Earths Movie
An entertaining, kid-friendly overview of the Alien Earths science (3-minutes).

Windows Media Player: High-res (13mb) | Low-res (2mb)
Quicktime Video: High-res (20mb) | Low-res (4mb)
Structure & Evolution of the Universe Fill-in-the-Blank
Get the basics across with this context-setting, simple one-pager ... excellent as a pre or post activity. (PDF 74kb)
Puzzle Page
Enhance the Alien Earths experience with this one page fold-over packed with innovative games and activities perfect for pre or post exhibit visit, camp-ins, class visits, and special events. (PDF 1.21mb)

Background Science

Section 1 : Intro & Our Place In Space (PPT 8.2mb)
Section 2 : Star & Planet Formation (PPT 3.7mb)
Section 3 : Planet Quest (PPT 3.3mb)
Section 4 : Search for Life & Conclusion (PPT 4.3mb)

Click to download an image-rich PowerPoint presentation of the science behind the exhibit. This overview of the science is fully aligned with the major areas and themes of the exhibit. It includes activities, animations, and spectacular photos and art. It is designed for museum educators and docents. While these presentations were developed for the Alien Earths exhibit, the information from them is a great overview of the content of this site.
Powers of 10

An Interactive Java Tutorial – Start 10 million light years from the Milky Way galaxy and wind up face to face with a proton in Florida.
NASA Astro-Venture

An interactive environment where students in grades 5-8 can role-play NASA occupations as they search for and build a planet capable of supporting human habitation. The experience highlights NASA careers and astrobiology research in Astronomy, Geology, Atmospheric Sciences, and Biology.
Cool Cosmos

Explore the infrared universe through games, video, resources, curricular activities, images, and more including an Infrared Zoo.

A program to allow your home computer to assist with SETI’s search for intelligent extraterrestrial life.
Planet Quest New World Atlas

A continuously updated, searchable database of all planets that have been discovered around stars other than the Sun.
Are We Alone?

The SETI Institute’s Weekly Radio Program.
SETI@Home Science and Education Links

The education section of this page provides an excellent collection of astrobiology related links to curriculum, on-line courses, and a powers of 10 demo.
Marsbugs: The Astrobiology Index

A comprehensive index of astrobiology related links, news, research and announcements.
Astrobiology Web

Information on how to become an astrobiologist.
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