
Planet Quest

Get information about NASA’s research programs and missions involved in the search for habitable worlds orbiting stars other than our sun. Includes news alerts, project updates and opportunities for involvement in NASA’s search for extrasolar planets.

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

How does life begin and evolve? Is there life elsewhere in the Universe? What is the future of life on Earth and beyond? These are the exciting questions of astrobiology. Explore this site and discover NASA’s network of institutions involved in this research as well as dynamic educational resources, including the “Ask an Astrobiologist” utility, and middle/high school activities like “Astro-Venture” and “Habitable Worlds.”

The SETI Institute

The Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence or SETI Institute. Click on “Education” to find links to a new high school curriculum called “Voyages Through Time” and other high-quality educational products and activities.

Spitzer Space Telescope

Get the latest images, news, and information about the Spitzer mission, including education and public outreach resources in English and Spanish.

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